An Online Partnering and Valuation Platform for Life Sciences Industry
+1 973-460-2680


  • Acquisition : An act of buying ownership of a company to control the target firm
  • Approval : An action by a ruling authority of a government to validate safety and efficacy of a drug
  • Asset : A product, technology or research program that an originator is willing to sell or license out
  • Biotechnology : A focused industry that uses cellular and bimolecular processes to develop technologies and products
  • Buyer : The partner in the transaction process who is willing to pay for a full or partial ownership of an asset. Also called PURCHASER
  • Cash Exposure : Actual amount of fund that is invested
  • Co-development : A partnership agreement where both partners are committed to develop the asset through clinical development process
  • COGS : Cost of Goods Sold
  • COGS Margin : The margin the original manufacturer or supplier of a drug charges (Transfer Price related)
  • COGS Sale : The revenue stream generated by supplying product to a partner / licensee (Transfer Price related).
  • Collaboration : Involvement of both partners in development and promotion of a product
  • Co-marketing : An agreement where two parties promote and sell together to book its own sales
  • Commercial Milestone : A payment paid to the originator after a certain revenue / net sales numbers are reached
  • Contract Manufacturing : Manufacturing of a drug to supply to the marketing company
  • Co-promotion : An agreement where two parties promote and sell together
  • Deal Terms : A payment agreement between licensor and licensee
  • Development : A usual pathway followed by a drug from discovery to launch
  • Development Milestone : A payment paid to the originator after a certain development phases become successful
  • Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) : Discounted Cash Flow calculated from FCF and WACC
  • Discounted Payback : Year at which the cumulative DCF is zero for the first time
  • Discovery : An early development phase of a drug
  • eIRR : IRR value risk-adjusted with POS
  • eNPV : NPV risk-adjusted with POS
  • Exclusivity Period : Period of commercialization rights without any generic entry
  • Forecasting Period : Total valuation period that includes LoE and Post-LoE commercialization
  • Free Cash Flow (FCF) : Cash flow of an operation / business by taking working capital movement and capital expenditure into account
  • Incremental R&D Costs : Post-launch R&D spend for additional indication or studies
  • Indication : Approved usage of a drug
  • In-license : To acquire rights to develop / commercialize under certain terms from a licensor
  • IRR : Internal Rate of Return
  • Join Venture : A legal entity created from multiple independent entities
  • Launch : First commercialization
  • Launch Year : Year of first commercialization
  • License : Rights to a product or technology under certain terms
  • Licensee : The party that is granted rights to a product or technology by the originator under certain terms
  • Licensor : The party that is the originator of a product or technology granting rights to a purchaser under certain terms
  • Life Cycle Management : Post-launch initiatives to extend the life of an approved drug
  • LoE : Loss of Exclusivity
  • M&A : Mergers and Acquisition
  • Manufacturing : Approved and scaled up process of making a drug
  • Marketing : Activities performed by selling companies to bring a product to consumers
  • Merger : A third controlling legal entity created to cease operations of two separate entities
  • Milestone Payment : A payment made by the licensee to the licensor after a certain measurable event
  • NPV : Net Present Value
  • Opportunity Region : A bigger geography for marketing equivalent to continents in most cases
  • Opportunity Sub-region : A smaller geography for marketing equivalent to a country or group of countries
  • Out-license : To grant rights to develop / commercialize under certain terms to a licensee
  • Payment Capitalized : Accounting treatment of Upfront, Development and Commercial Milestones
  • Payment Expensed : Accounting treatment of Upfront, Development and Commercial Milestones
  • Peak Revenue : The maximum net sales achieved by a drug during it exclusivity period
  • Phase 1 : First phase of a drug in clinical development to study safety with healthy volunteers
  • Phase 2 : Second phase of a drug in clinical development to study safety and efficacy in small number of patients
  • Phase 2a : Second phase of a drug in clinical development to study dosing requirements for safety in small number of patients
  • Phase 2b : Second phase of a drug in clinical development to study efficacy in small number of patients
  • Phase 3 : Third phase of a drug in clinical development to study safety and efficacy in large number of patients before approval
  • Pre-clinical : Phase of a drug development to test efficacy, toxicity and pharmacokinetics in non-human subjects
  • Probability of Launch (PoL) : Probability of a drug candidate successfully moving through the whole development process into market
  • Probability of Success (POS) : Probability of successfully moving from one phase to the next phase of development of a drug candidate
  • Profit Share : An agreement in a deal term to share gross margin, usually calculated after royalty payment
  • Promotional Period : Number of years an approved drug is actively promoted and a certain amount of investment made in sales and marketing efforts
  • Purchaser : Licensee / Buyer
  • Ratio of Sales and Marketing Costs (S&M) to Net Sales : S&M Percentage
  • Registration : A formal proposal to regulatory authority seeking approval for a drug after clinical studies
  • Return of R&D Investment : The ratio of total NPV of a project / asset to NPV of R&D investment
  • Risk-adjusted IRR : eIRR
  • Risk-adjusted NPV : eNPV
  • Royalty Rate : A certain percentage of net sales is paid by the licensee to the licensor based on deal terms
  • S&M Percentage : The ratio of total cumulative investment in sales and marketing to total cumulative net sales through the valuation period
  • Sales and Marketing (S&M) Costs : Total investment in promotional activities (sales force, sample, DTC, all other promotional / marketing activities)
  • Sales-related Payment (SRP) : A payment paid to the originator after a certain revenue / net sales numbers are reached
  • Seller : Licensor
  • Share of eNPV : Ratio of one partner's NPV to total NPV of both the partners
  • Share of NPV : Ratio of one partner's eNPV to total eNPV of both the partners
  • Share of R&D Costs : An agreement by the licensor to bear certain percentage of annual costs of R&D
  • Share of S&M Costs : An agreement by the licensor to bear certain percentage of annual costs of sales and marketing
  • Total Development Costs : Total investment in R&D including development cost of incremental / life cycle management
  • Transfer Price : A version of COGS Sale under deal terms
  • Un-discounted Payback : Year at which the cumulative FCF is zero for the first time
  • Upfront : Onetime payment paid by the licensee to licensor at the time of signing a deal
  • WACC : Weighted Average Cost of Capital calculated by taking capital structure into account and used to make investment decision
  • Zipf's Law : A statistical formula to estimate market share based on the order-of-entry of a product in a therapeutic class